Drunken Duel
Drunken Duel
Drunken DuelDrunken Duel
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Up arrow or W key: speed
Left and right arrow or AD keys: balance the bike
Bottom arrow or S key: brake
Spacebar: respawn at the last checkpoint

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Drunken Duel

MChallenge yourself! With seven different games, you can experience thrilling moments whether you're playing solo or competing against your friends. Drunken Duel, Tug The Table, Stick Duel, Milk The Cow, and many more games are waiting for you! Plus, to make the competition even more fun, you can choose exciting dares to make the matches unforgettable! For those who prefer solo play, 6 games are ready to keep you entertained! Step into this world of fun and enjoy the thrill of competition!

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